I'll begin with my experiences of 2007 which, since no one is likely to read this, will serve no purpose but as a portal for my age-retarded mind to return to it's youth come 2056.
(Assuming: a) I last that long with my sight and hearing intact
b) The internet hasn't been killed by rollerblading haircuts with stupid ass nicknames)
2007 saw me leave the island twice (in the one year! twice!). First in January for some snow skiing on the slopes of Bulgaria to varying results. Coincidently pizza and fries is pretty much all I ate whilst there due to my aversion to undercooked, indeterminable, grizzly cuts of meat.
Nothing in Bulgaria compared however to the Bacalao con la sangre menstrual y tentáculos congelados servido con chips (big up google translate!) I ordered in the world's shittest restaurant in Barcelona. Fucking muck.
That was a minor blip in the otherwise wonderful trip to Primavera Sound 07 - highlights being Justice, Battles, Chromeo and Joe puking on the nightbus.
The rest of my year was taken up by the tiresome routine of working 9-5 in a job I didn't particularly like for a wage I hated. I'm done with that in a week though, so I can't complain until I grow tired of my new job.
Best television programme/moment/use of a song in television history:
Battlestar Galactica season 3 finale. Blew my tiny little geek mind.
To be finished.......(hopefully)